Monday, March 19, 2012

Online Movie Assignment

For the online movie assignment I watched Digital Nation.  I watched the first four to five chapters of the movie.  The movie discusses how many believe that both kids and adults today spend too much time with digtial media, and how it could be harmful to a person health.  Some Pychologist and Doctors believe that it is almost an addiction and that those who use technology such as computers or cell phones can't function properly without them.  Others even believe that technology is hurting a persons ability to think, process, learn, or even communicate with others properly; or in other words hurts moral standards many consider important. 

Some examples of these scenerios that were presented in this movie were how students at M.I.T. and Stanford University were affected by Digital Media; also how people in south korea were affected by over exposure to digital media.  At the two college, it showed many of the students relied on the use of digital media and how many students were often distracted by multi tasking during classes and out side of classes.  One Professor mentioned how students who were taking his class had gotten really low scores on their exams when they should have gotten higher because of how easy the questions were.  He believe that the cause of this were that the students were to distracted by looking at online websites or texting rather than paying attention to the what was being tought in the class.  In south korea it showed how the country had it's own online gaming sites where people can play or use the interent for as long as they wanted to.  As a result some kids spents days at a time there, and some even died because they didn't have any food or drinks to keep them going.

Do I think that spending too much time with digital media has a negative impact on the way people of today interact; I do to some extend.  I believe it hurts the way most people communicate with others.  For instance, there was one time where I was out with a group of friends at a resturant, and the whole time we were there they were on their phones texting.  Because they were texting it made it difficult to talk to them, and it was kind of rude.  It is still hard for me to believe that a person can't function with out the use of some sort of digital media.  I myself use a computer, play video games, and call and text on my phone; however I use it to the point where I needed it every second of my life.  I also agree that that digital media can be a distraction to people.  There were some cases in previous classes that I notices some people who had a computer in class, and much rather than paying attention to what was going on in class they were on some sort of website.  Maybe if people were able to manage the amount of time they spend with digital media, they could better the way they act and progress in society.        

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